Marriage Covenant 4Life Marital Courtships Consulting

This is THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS talked about in the word of God; The Holy Bible.
The❤ Love between The Bride & Groom

A Picture of God's Standards of RIGHTEOUSNESS can be gained by Born again Christian Couples who will delight in  honoring and keeping their Holy Matrimonial Covenant, between themselves and God Almighty.

 Ecclesiastes 4:12 (ESV)  has solid advice for couples experiencing life's subtle challenges.  For it states that... "A three fold cord is not easily broken.   A person standing alone can be easily attacked, but two can stand back 2 back and conquer. Three are even better as a triple braided cord consisting as a man and wife and Christ Jesus as their  Spiritual leader or shepherd; Their LORD and Saviour.
There is security in the unadulterated Love of God for  Couples who place their trust in GOD through unwavering faith in Christ Jesus as Their LORD And Saviour. 

Theirs Is Truly,

A Divine"Marriage Covenant 4Life"



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